Friday, December 6, 2013

Scandal: the suffering and endurance model of YOLO

     Reflecting on the episode last night i must say that i was troubled. the immersive world that Scandal has created Parry's between the models of suffering and endurance and a morphed redemptive model.  from a pure classical approach it is a recognition of seedtime and harvest. Quinn being seduced by gratuitous violence falls prey to the wilds of her own imagination. 

     The seed is Quinn wading into the world of violence... the harvest is eventually the violence that we glorify is the violence that overtakes us. 

She desires to test the waters of the violence that has been dealt to her on others. the irony is she has a Stockholm syndrome like affinity for Huck and his tormented life.  But lets not forget Quinn was a baby to this world of fetishized violence from season 1 to now we see how violence like any other behavior is learned embraced as a necessary evil and then fetishiezed. 

Living in a world where we are born into pain. taught that pain and violence is necessary and when the mind is conditioned to believe that pain is a reality pain will become the obsession . This is the world that faithful people live in. 

One year ago 26 children and adults died in a school shooting in newtown Connecticut. And one year later we have not found the courage to pass assault weapon legislation's. since that shooting we have had 2 additional mass shootings and yet lack courage to effect change.

This is the world faithful people live.
Catholic priest James Allison suggest that in this world of memetic violence Jesus directing us toward another way to be. Allison suggest that the crucifixion is more than payment but a paradigm shift.  A way of mindfulness versus the human proclivity for revenge and pain. Jesus says from the cross... "forgive them father for they know not what they do"...

Below is a link to Exploring the New Paradigm: Giraud and the Christianity of the 21st

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