Tuesday, January 29, 2013

mutant ministry

Christian entertainment is a cottage industry that is a veritable billion dollar enterprise. The Christian entertainment realm includes gospel music cd’s, inspirational books, concerts, church conferences (mega or otherwise) and gospel getaways/cruises. These Para church gatherings are not a bad thing in and of themselves; I know many people who come to know God in a deeper way because of these events and ministry tools. I think that these are important supplements to our spiritual regime. But just as you would never attempt to live off of vitamins it is problematic to attempt to live off you’re the aforementioned spiritual supplements. You need a diet first then you can supplement the diet in order to strengthen the body.  We have usurped the diet and began to draw directly from the spiritual supplements that were never intended to be source but rather resource. God bless Oprah’s choux pastry heart but all the super soul Sunday in the world aint gonna help you if you first don’t get the soul right first.

     The institution is partly to blame; the church became disconnected and disenchanted with itself and its mission to the world. The church institution has fallen out of love with the world that it was designed to save. The check on the church has been one of failing to corporately acknowledge its failings and revise its methods to interact with the world at large. The message is complete, God is love and be transformed by that love, but the messengers are distracted. 
      How have the messengers become distracted?  We turned an open invitation to change into a show to be entertained. It's what I like to call the message of being a church dude. The message of being a church dude is simple “you came here to see me and here I am ". It’s not just men it’s the prevailing church culture; who has the most stylish preacher, best choir, best hair and nails, biggest hat, best musicians, who can give you the best bump (dance), and who looks the best. Frankly, I’m exhausted, church dudes kill me. It’s a whole lot of pomp and circumstance with NO substance.  I have not seen so many horn rimmed glasses in church since the late sixties (only through pictures cause I’m an eighties baby). The appeal for church dudes to even come to church is not development, improvement or transformation but rather it’s almost a sick fraternal order where an ultra-emotional existential experience may be sought that tickles the fancy but drops the believer back to a faithless existence. This fraternal group of believers is hyper flamboyant without the penchant of dignity or humility.  Church dudes are a danger because they tout this message that sounds just enough like the gospel to pass but ultimately devoid of any subsequent action that is literally the fruit of that gospel.  Where is the fruit of service that comes with the gospel? There is a strange spirit around choirs, praise teams, soloist, musicians and the like that suggest that ministry is all exhibition. The litmus test of church dudes is they show up for the performance but can’t make it to bible study. Church dudes can make it to the conferences but can’t seem to make prayer. Church dudes can make worship but can’t seem to make much else. 

The service element of church has been totally divorced from their experience. Church dudes would not have fared well being disciples of Jesus, he would have sent them back home because they love the show more than the substance of Christ.  Christ would have a difficult time making them disciples because they don’t show up unless they are on program to be seen.  Again this is not a designation for just men this is a specification for a sect of church attendees who have little to no desire to take part in the mission of Christ.  The members of this sect are addicted to the uplifted hand (seeking to receive) rather than the outstretched hand seeking to give.  Church in the minds of Church dudes should; GIVE me a feeling, I should RECEIVE a word, and I should leave AFFIRMED. This mutant form of Christianity ties whatever giving that might occur to a trigger mechanism that comes after the giving that would cause the giver to get. There is NO cross at the heart of their faith system.  The faith system, as a matter of fact, goes out of its way to never talk about the sacrifice of crucifixion at all.   The faith system then goes on to postulate that the ultimate enemy of the believer is not sin(cause who needs sin hanging over their heads) , but the enemy of the believer is the mythological hater who floats around like a wraith seeking to hijack our terrestrial experience by sabotaging what we were divinely designed to do. When we move our battle from the confines of the pneumatological to the anthropological, our worldview become myopic and we become the center.  Who is really hating on us? Have we become so narcissistic to believe that people are actually going home and thinking about us after we leave their presence ?  Scarier still is that fact that you believe that you have done something revolutionary enough to merit such concern.  Maybe just maybe all that shade that you seem to be receiving is just a culmination of all the shade that you have been giving others.

            Which leads me to another caveat of church dudes attitude. There is nothing like a Christian with attitude. A Christian with attitude is like going to the fridge and picking up a carton of milk taking a healthy pull, only to discover that the milk has spoiled.  Your expectation has been crushed and you can’t remove the taste from your mouth. The world needs Christians who are over themselves. Christians who don’t need titles to do ministry and who don’t think ministry involves a mic. The world is looking for Christians who have clean hearts and dirty hands.  The heart is ready to love and the hands have been sullied with the work of their Christ. The world needs Christians who are not Christ LITE, but rather Christ LIKE.  I cannot stress enough how awful Christians with bad attitudes are its false advertising. Now this is not a solicitation for the bright and shiny Joel Olsten’s of the world to rise up and make us all into Stepford wives. But nasty, immature, little Christians can be taken to the space ship and dropped off into the black hole; your disservice is no longer needed.  I would rather a person be straight up with their issues and say  “listen I’m working on my mouth, or my heart isn’t all together right” than give me that fake half love of Christ stuff.  Y'all know about that stuff the placating rub on the back with the Christian concern face. (I by the way have got a mean back rub granny taught me) 
             Church dudes are killing the church because the gospel of Jesus is not alive in their lives. But a mutant form of spiritualism is pervasive.  This is the mutated form of Christianity that is “spiritual” but not religious. The mutant courses through their veins and the bad news is the mutant is airborne and it is catching. The mutant loves to go to para church events but is highly allergic to the service of the church. The mutant loves the mic but breaks out in hives with authentic ministry moments. The mutant is allergic to service because service would expose the weakness of its witness.  The mutant does not reveal identity but replicates fragility.  The mutant does not want Christianity because that would require obedience to Christ. The mutant wants the shakes and shivers without the service and sacrifice. Yes dear hearts the word is still true “to live is Christ and to die is gain” the commitment still requires sacrifice. However the gospel of mutant Christians would suggest that we need to “go back to Eden and live on top of the world” ironically Christ ministered to the disenfranchised first and chose to live on the bottom rather than the top. Spectacularly enough Christ changes the world from the bottom up. This debunks the myth of the mutant that “I can’t help nobody if I can’t help myself”  the mutant acquires more only to keep more, Christ Borrowed two fish and five loafs and broke what he had and found the power of multiplication not in hoarding but in helping. The mutant wants to be seen, Jesus has to ask “who do men say I am?” he will be recognized by what he does not what he wears.  The mutant is constantly in a search for identity, the master says “I am that I am”, his identity comes not from what church he has joined this year but the God he has joined in this life. The mutant is lost in self-aggrandizement; the master was never lost to begin with.  The mutant wants duplicates, the master wants disciples.
            For those of us who believe that we have overcome the mutant allow me to further extent this metaphor. The Mutant speaks the language of legalism rather than the language of relationship. The mutant loves judgment and scandal because it further perpetuates the uniqueness of its own abnormality. The mutant loves topics like abortion because it’s a place of high contention where it can spread its virus. It loves the divisiveness of sexuality and sensuality because that’s where the scandal lives. It loves racism and sexism because quite as kept the mutant loves oppression.  The mutant loves these areas because the mutant knows that Christians who have been changed will not let any point of disagreement separate them in love.  The mutant exacerbates the speck in our neighbor’s eye blocking our view of the plank in our own eye.  How do will kill the mutant?  My suggestions
Hard dose of anti me medication make community more important than yourself
  Get out of survival mode, scared to risk, scared to attempt, and scared to try different things.
  Every vision for the church should not include a new building without envisioning a new way for community to take root. Especially when you are under-utilizing current facilities
Service requirements you love to sing/preach great….now I want to know can you serve?
   Professional Counseling … I cannot tell you how many of us are suffering from severe narcissistic disorder, I am Not laughing.

Maybe if we stopped getting high off of our own supply we could get back to changing the world. But that might hurt a little…

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